Fermented foods are trendy and consuming them is good for your gut health. Learn more about the science behind fermented foods, their beneficial effects, and why not all qualify as…
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Tarmflora hos människan
Tarmflora är de bakterier och andra mikroorganismer som finns naturligt i tarmen. De lever ofta i mutualism med värddjuret. Många växtätare har tarmbakterier som bryter ner cellulosa. Gällande personer som har insjuknat i diabetes så tror man att en ökning av bifidobakterier, efter intag…
Rågbitar från Hatting
Rågbitar från Hatting bakas på det klassiska Vaasan Ruispalat-receptet från Finland. Ett syrligt och saftigt nyckelhålsmärkt bröd. Rosta gärna brödet för ännu godare smak. Brödet inehåller 68% fullkornsråg och 11%…
Caloric Restriction Alters Microbiome, Enhancing Weight Loss but Increasing Pathogenic Bacteria
Researchers at UC San Francisco have found that extreme caloric restriction diets alter the microbiome in ways that could help with weight loss but might also result in an increased…
Artificial Sweeteners Negatively Regulate Pathogenic Characteristics of Two Model Gut Bacteria, E. coli and E. faecalis
Abstract Artificial sweeteners (AS) are synthetic sugar substitutes that are commonly consumed in the diet. Recent studies have indicated considerable health risks which links the consumption of AS with metabolic…
Should dietary guidelines advise consumers to deliberately include safe microorganisms in their diets?
While for almost all of human evolution our food and water have contained large numbers of microorganisms, the industrialized human diet contains low microbial numbers. So are we ready to…
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