What happens when garlic is crushed?
When raw garlic cloves are crushed, chopped, or chewed, an enzyme known as alliinase is released. Alliinase catalyzes the formation of sulfenic acids from L-cysteine sulfoxides (Figure 2). Sulfenic acids spontaneously react with each other to form unstable compounds called thiosulfinates.
What is the 10 minute rule for garlic?
Essentially, you want to press or chop your garlic, and then wait 10 minutes before using it. Whether you’re eating your garlic raw (add it raw to a warm meal to both dissipate the intensity and maximize medicinal impact), or cooking with it, you will reap more of its medicinal gifts if you’ve waited 10 minutes.
Jere Folgert
Dec 18, 2020
6 min read
Garlic Compounds. Half-Life of Garlic “Hotness” after Crushing or Chopping.
Updated: Jan 13
You just cut, chopped, and smashed a few cloves of Garlic. Immediately, a powerful chemical reaction begins. Crushing or chopping garlic releases an enzyme called alliinase that catalyzes the formation of allicin. Crushing or chopping garlic releases an enzyme called alliinase that catalyzes the formation of allicin from S-allyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide (Allin). Allicin rapidly breaks down to form a variety of organosulfur compounds. The formation of thiosulfate is very fast and is complete in about a minute after crushing garlic. The strong garlic flavor that is produced does not last very long. That is one good reason not to buy “Minced Garlic” in a jar.
One crushed garlic clove on waking up
1 Crushed Garlic Clove A Day And Your Heart And arteries Will Thank You In Many Ways